
David Nicol's picture
by David Nicol
When Covid swept around the world early last year, Kate and I saw it as the long-awaited trigger event that would mark the start of the great unraveling of the current world system, and the beginning in earnest of our transition to a fundamentally new era. We felt well placed with our work in collective healing to offer support during this transitional period. Indeed, like many others, we felt we had been preparing for such a moment for a long...
Karen Noé's picture
by Karen Noé
Summer is here and a variety of gorgeous colorful flowers continue to bloom; birds are singing their glorious songs throughout the day. Despite all of this, I have been focusing on my many projects and on the knots I’ve had in my stomach worrying about finishing all these assignments on time. Yes, I should have learned by now to focus on the love and beauty all around me, but once again, I fell into my old ways. Two weeks ago, I was having...
Deborah Sandella's picture
by Deborah Sandella
A couple springs ago, my husband and I discovered a miniature round nest adeptly stuccoed to a small tree branch overhanging our patio. Using binoculars, we saw two still and wide-eyed hummingbirds peeking out (zoom photo above). Every so often we’d hear and see mama as she hovered to feed them.A few days later, the nest was empty. Although we missed the vicarious joy of following their development, we were grateful to witness their launch into...
Alberto Villoldo's picture
by Alberto Villoldo
We all want to be loved unconditionally by another, and we search for this other all our lives. But the love of another always comes with a long list of conditions.Several years ago, I asked Don Manuel to speak to me about love, for I had never seen his people be affectionate with each other like we are in the US. From what I observed, the Indios did not hold hands or kiss in public, even though mothers doted over their babies, whom they carried...
Emanuel Kuntzelman's picture
by Emanuel Kuntzelman
To be honest, this wasn’t my original New Year’s message. I’ll save that one for a later date as we wade further into the new, and rather murky, waters of 2021. While my original draft followed a theme of hope and collaboration, strange circumstances involving a cancelled trip to Spain due to a freak winter snowstorm, blowing out my knee while running, and an emergency surgery have me reflecting on what the Universe could possibly be trying to...
Thomas Hübl's picture
by Thomas Hübl
Our sole concern must be with making manifest the future which is immanent in ourselves. – Jean GebserAt nearly eight billion strong, humankind has populated all corners of the globe, planted flags at both Arctic poles, explored the very depths of the oceans, and launched itself into space. Yet, in a relatively brief span of time, we have simultaneously lain ruin to delicate ecosystems and catalyzed an accelerating environmental crisis,...
Justin Faerman's picture
by Justin Faerman
Every year of my life for the last 16 years and counting has been exponentially better than the last and despite all of the challenging and disruptive events of the past 12 months, 2020 was no exception.Here’s why:1. I Choose to See Everything That is Happening as Perfect and Unfolding for My / Humanity's Highest GoodI believe that *all* experience is hugely valuable, contains deep wisdom and that life is constantly conspiring for my and our...
Emanuel Kuntzelman's picture
by Emanuel Kuntzelman
Never before has there been such a sense of urgency to transform society and save our planet, and with good reason. Civilization is on a cliff’s edge, precariously balanced between a breakdown or breakthrough in our cultural evolution. Our social, financial and environmental systems are deteriorating, a global pandemic is wreaking havoc on our daily lives and cultural and social wounds that have been festering for hundreds of years are in urgent...
Joan Borysenko's picture
by Joan Borysenko
I’ve been anxious lately, finding it hard to concentrate and stay present. A low-level depression follows me around like a faithful dog, nipping at my heels. The sad fact is this. Our collective survival circuits are in a perpetual state of alarm these days, and that’s the new normal we are all learning to adapt to.   I want to share a recent difficult experience with you…and no worries…all is well now. Hopefully, my story will help you navigate...
Diane Marie Williams's picture
by Diane Marie Williams
Since George Floyd was killed on May 25th there have been thousands of protests calling for change, as countless world citizens awaken more fully to the impact of centuries of systemic racism. The Source of Synergy Foundation is standing for racial equality and justice. We are listening, learning and taking actions in the way we conduct business and create our future.Humanity is an interconnected whole and all of our diverse needs and hopes are...
