
Jean Houston's picture
by Jean Houston
Dear Friend, Sitting on my deck this morning surrounded by the many gifts of the upstart spring—valleys dressed in shadows and light, pungent aromas from budding fir trees, mating ladybugs and chorales of birds, I am filled with joy at the gift of life today, on my 76th birthday. In my 27,376 days, I have lived under 912 full moons, worked in 108 countries, been present to the dying of the old and the rising of the new such as few in history...
Don Beck [1937-2022]'s picture
by Don Beck [1937-2022]
Regardless of your own political views, memetic codes, or location on the intensity spectrum (from flame thrower to pragmatic) you must be both concerned and confused as to the current issues in Washington DC. While the words “stalemate, “crazy,” “polarized and soaked with acrimony,” define the condition, it appears the huge gaps in our society continue to grow and expand. The fiercely fought presidential campaign has not abated one bit....
Gerard Senehi's picture
by Gerard Senehi
Reprinted from the Huffington Post "Evolution is a light illuminating all facts, a curve that all lines must follow." -- Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man The word evolution is popping up everywhere these days. We hear of businesses evolving, cars evolving, thinking evolving, consciousness evolving. I even heard a fitness trainer telling an obese woman on a TV show that she had to be ready to evolve! It seems that more and more people...
Deepak Chopra's picture
by Deepak Chopra
[Article reprinted from LinkedIn, December 11, 2012] Our world right now is in a state of worrisome turbulence and chaos. If we are to achieve any measure of success in creating a more peaceful, just, sustainable, and healthy planet, it will require more than the participation of governments and businesses. We'll need a critical mass of consciousness. To any observer, it’s obvious that the United Nations is struggling to fulfill its declared...
Deepak Chopra's picture
by Deepak Chopra
Reprinted from THE DAILY BEAST, Sep 22, 2012 The future of the Middle East looks like a race between the mullahs and the iPad—and despite recent setbacks, social networks are rewiring our brains to topple traditional barriers, says Deepak Chopra, author of God: A Story of Revelation. There’s a fascinating connection between the social network and where the human brain is going. For a long time, neuroscience held a wrong belief—several,...
Bruce Lipton's picture
by Bruce Lipton
Reprinted from We are truly living in exciting times. The challenges and crises facing the world today are portents of imminent change in civilization. We are on the threshold of an incredible global evolutionary shift. The current panoply of global crises collectively reveals we are facing our own extinction. Scientists acknowledge that the current degradation of the...
James O'Dea's picture
by James O'Dea
Reprinted from the Huffington Post. There are plenty of politicians who genuinely desire to serve their communities and nations with humility and integrity, dedicating their lives to the cultivation of a wisdom that will benefit society at large; sadly, they are a minority. Mostly, the perception of those who crowd public office is that they are divisive, immature, and generally egotistical and opinionated. On the less destructive side of the...
Duane Elgin's picture
by Duane Elgin
[Reprinted from the Huffington Post] The film The Hunger Games presents a heroic struggle in a world that has failed to make the transition to some form of sustainable prosperity. People are barely surviving on a ruined Earth and in a society that has regressed to ritualistic, annual killings for past misdeeds. This is a horrifying view of the world ahead, particularly because it has a ring of authenticity -- we know that a future this...
Nipun Mehta's picture
by Nipun Mehta
Earlier this year, I had a casual lunch with an old friend whom I hadn't seen in many years. He then invites me to keynote his gala event last Thursday night. Quite a few of the who's-who of the Silicon Valley venture capital world were in attendance; not just money people but idea people too. Very innovative and entrepreneurial people. My instructions for the talk were: don't be humble, talk about scale. I actually laughed out on the phone,...
Ocean Robbins's picture
by Ocean Robbins
Originally posted: 11/4/11 09:32 AM ET on the Huffington Post here. Our world is pretty messed up. With all the violence, pollution and crazy things people do, it would be easy to turn into a grouchy old man without being either elderly or male. There's certainly no shortage of justification for disappointment and cynicism. But consider this: Negative attitudes are bad for you. And gratitude, it turns out, makes you happier and healthier. If you...
