
Deepak Chopra's picture
by Deepak Chopra
Reprinted from LinkedIn, Feb. 26, 2016 One of the most positive trends in modern society is a belief that a person's entire lifespan should be healthy and valuable. We expect to be engaged and involved into our seventies and eighties, a far cry from the automatic decline that prior generations identified with aging. But the aging process undermines many people, who find that they lose energy as the years go by. I don't mean just diminished...
Elisabet Sahtouris's picture
by Elisabet Sahtouris
Yes, a laudable historic agreement was reached in Paris by the leaders of 195 countries, who sat up long and exhausting nights to hammer out a complex and unprecedented document signed by all. Yet critics are right in pointing out that this agreement cannot stop global warming or most other disasters we face as a perfect storm of crises. To understand the real importance of the COP21 agreements, we need an evolutionary perspective. For nearly...
Gary Zukav's picture
by Gary Zukav
We stand in two worlds. One is the world of a dying consciousness. The other is the world of an emerging consciousness. If we try to solve problems with the dying consciousness, we will fail because all the problems we face were created by the dying consciousness. This dying consciousness tells us there is a prime source which activates unbreakable causal chains, and that source is action. From actions come consequences. To change consequences,...
Ervin Laszlo's picture
by Ervin Laszlo
A STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CLUB OF BUDAPEST, FOUNDATION FOR CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, GREENHEART INTERNATIONAL, THE HAGUE CENTER, THE GOI PEACE FOUNDATION, THE GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS PROJECT Drafted by Ervin Laszlo and Barbara Marx Hubbard An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind.                    Mahatma Gandhi There is a well-known saying in France that the French people and all people on this conflict-ridden planet would do well to...
Lynne McTaggart's picture
by Lynne McTaggart
It’s most of the stuff of what we’re made of (we’re 70 per cent water; plants 90 per cent), there’s a hundred times more molecules of water inside us than all the other molecules put together, it covers three quarters of the planet, and life on Earth is impossible without it. But we’re no closer to understanding exactly how water behaves. In fact, water drives most scientists crazy. Water is a chemical anarchist, behaving like no other liquid in...
Jeff Carreira's picture
by Jeff Carreira
I believe that spiritual growth under the right conditions is as natural as breathing…and the conditions of our world are the perfect conditions for spiritual growth. The person you are right now, with all of your challenges and strengths, pain and joys, failures and victories, is exactly the perfect person for the journey ahead. And your life, exactly as it is, is offering you the exact conditions to stimulate growth. My intention for this...
James O'Dea's picture
by James O'Dea
A young man with racial hatred in his heart and carrying a concealed weapon, which he acquired without a background check into his criminal record, enters a church famed for its role in the civil rights movement in Charleston, South Carolina. He knows it is the hour for a prayer circle attended by some prominent African-American leaders. He intends to kill them and by so doing instigate riots and a race war. Before he kills nine people, all...
Duane Elgin's picture
by Duane Elgin
From the Journal of Sustainability, March 16, 2015 Humanity has entered a time of profound change. We are pushed by necessity and pulled by opportunity. The push is a growing systems crisis, evident in the breakdown of financial institutions, climate disruption, resource depletion, unsustainable populations, and more. The pull is the opportunity to rise to a new level of human maturity, partnership, and freedom. The combined push and pull at a...
Lynne McTaggart's picture
by Lynne McTaggart
Reprinted from Jan 09, 2015 Over the last few days all of us in the West have been horrified by the spectacle of Islamic fanatics blowing away 10 of the staff of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, including its editor, Stephane Charbonnier and his police bodyguard. It shocks us precisely because we believe that one of our most fundamental freedoms, the right to free speech, is...
