
Carter Phipps's picture
by Carter Phipps
Reprinted from See also The Institute for Cultural Evolution. Perched on a narrow stretch of the Big Sur Pacific coastline, Esalen Institute is about as far away as you can get from the Washington DC and still be in the same country—geographically, but also politically, culturally, and institutionally. Yet, for a few days in the first week of October, those distances were bridged, and Esalen played host to a carefully...
by J.J. and Desiree Hurtak
The headlines coming from the West African countries, Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria on the increasing spread of Ebola (October 2014) with the predicted deaths of tens of thousands should be understood in the context of sensitive scientific and spiritual approaches to a very serious problem that requires ‘the best of healing attitudes.’ It should not be through ‘fear attitudes’ as spawned by many of the Western news media...
Jack Canfield's picture
by Jack Canfield
August 21, 2014  Reprinted from Variety is the spice of life. But if you – like me – view the world as an exciting buffet of opportunities to learn, try and create new things, you know that variety can be dangerous.  The problem is that it’s easy to get distracted from the goals and commitments you’ve already made. Rather than seeing things through to completion, you abandon the goals and projects you’ve already started...
Bruce Lipton's picture
by Bruce Lipton
Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Imaginal Cells! The evolution is in full swing. Having returned from 6 months on the road (Australia, New Zealand, India, Turkey, Israel, Vienna, Dublin and London, whew!), the news from the world front is that all these countries are facing the very same issues as citizens in the States: inefficient governments, unstable economic systems, wealth being concentrated into the hands of a few, escalating...
Gregg Braden's picture
by Gregg Braden
Why “now” is so different Now is different. The world that we grew up in is gone, and it’s not coming back. It disappeared before our eyes. While we were shopping for the weekly groceries, putting meals on the table for our families, and caring for our aging parents, the familiar world we’ve known and trusted disappeared. The problem is that no one told us this was happening. No one told us that our lives were being changed forever. There was no...
Joan Borysenko's picture
by Joan Borysenko
Hi Friends, Neuroscience, mood, health, and the creation of meaning have all come together in a new field called narrative medicine. How you tell the story of your life can make the difference between bitterness and gratefulness; fear and trust; love and hate; and even sickness and health. One of my favorite neuroscientists and therapists, Dan Siegel, M.D. writes, "...narrative medicine is creating a larger context for your story that lets you...
Neale Donald Walsch's picture
by Neale Donald Walsch
My Dear Friends... This is a very special time of year because it is the Time of New Beginnings. For me, January signifies the wonder and the excitement and the liberation of “starting over.” The Old Year is behind me and the New Year has just begun; the blackboard has been erased, I’ve got a clean slate. There’s something metaphysical about all that; there’s a message in the folds of that experience that comes directly from God. The message is...
Lynne McTaggart's picture
by Lynne McTaggart
Reprinted from Lynne McTaggart's Blog For all the many things we have to be thankful for this over this weekend of Thanksgiving, our greatest gift, in my view, is just being alive to witness and participate in this particular slice of history. Make no mistake: we are one of the most important generations that has ever lived. Every choice we make in dealing with all the calamities in our midst today – the continued financial issues, climate and...
Stephen Dinan's picture
by Stephen Dinan
Posted September 6, 2013 on The Catalyst SEE ALSO While the situation may seem hopeless in Syria, I do believe there is a pathway to a transformational outcome — one that results in real evolution for our world. That pathway begins by looking at the situation with the lens of our new, global consciousness: how do we ensure that criminal acts on the scale being perpetrated now, are stopped and transformed for the...
Gerard Senehi's picture
by Gerard Senehi
Reprinted from the Huffington Post, July 15, 2013 Eleanor Roosevelt famously said: "Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility." Dear Eleanor, did you really mean responsibility? Doesn't freedom mean that I am no longer told what to do, how to think and whom to be? That I can finally choose for myself and not be bound by some external dictate? What does responsibility have to do with freedom then?...
