Why 2020 Was the Best Year of My Life

Every year of my life for the last 16 years and counting has been exponentially better than the last and despite all of the challenging and disruptive events of the past 12 months, 2020 was no exception.

Here’s why:

1. I Choose to See Everything That is Happening as Perfect and Unfolding for My / Humanity's Highest Good

I believe that *all* experience is hugely valuable, contains deep wisdom and that life is constantly conspiring for my and our highest good and growth, even when it seems like it’s not.

This perspective allows me to stay centered and in flow in situations that seem catastrophic and avoid slipping into fear and the resulting pessimistic / limited thinking that otherwise cuts people off from seeing and receiving of the massive opportunities and gifts present in moments of otherwise highly challenging change and upheaval.

Furthermore, there is an overwhelming amount of scientific, empirical and philosophical evidence that, in my opinion, definitively proves that consciousness is the substratum of all reality and hence our experience is essentially a collective—albeit largely unconscious—hallucination.

Thus, we are always experiencing the gestalt/sum total manifestations of both our individual and collective beliefs and perceptions about it.

As such, to resist anything is to ultimately resist oneself and to resist oneself can only cause suffering.

From this perspective, each of us is always being served a perfect mirror reflection of the contents of the totality of our own mind in relation to the collective consciousness and hence, every experience contains profoundly deep insight and perfection and offers huge opportunities for evolution and growth.

Thus I choose learning over lamentation.

2. I Treat Fear as an Illusion and an Invitation to Expand Past My Growth Edge and Previous Limitations

When fear comes up for me, instead of running from it and letting it control my behavior and limit my reality (which it ALWAYS does) I instead choose to dive into and ultimately through it by using powerful healing modalities to erase it from my psyche.

As I transcend fear, my capacity for love, abundance, freedom, bliss, inner peace, etc. expands proportionately and again, despite what may be happening in the world around me, my experience of reality improves substantially.

3. I Am Genuinely Not Afraid of the Virus or Any Disease

A virus—or any disease for that matter—can only take hold in a body and mind that are susceptible to it.

Generally speaking, the body is made susceptible to disease by poor health, weak immunity and in much more rare cases genetic factors, with few exceptions.

The untamed mind makes the body susceptible to disease via the nocebo / placebo effect and fear.

Once again, there has been a huge amount of research in fields like psychoneuroimmunology, mind-body medicine, parapsychology and so on that unequivocally shows that something is only as bad for you as you believe it is.

Put another way, the more you fear something, the more susceptible you become to the thing you fear through the cascading effects of prolonged mental and emotional stress on the body’s functioning.

I have continually prioritized my health and wellbeing at great expense (and great reward) for the last 16 years and because I understand the minds role in disease and have diligently worked to chip away at the unconscious fear and perceptions that create susceptibility, I have largely eliminated fear of this or any virus/disease.

4. I Have Opted Out of the Collective Narrative and Belief in Continued Struggle, Suffering and Oppression and Instead Choose to Believe That a Hugely Positive Future Awaits and is Possible

It is *extremely* important to not give your power away to disempowering narratives about what may or may not happen, especially those predicting cataclysm or prolonged suffering.


Because as goes the belief of the individuals, so goes the belief of the collective and as goes the belief of the collective, so goes reality.

The chances are very low that you are going to die, but the chances are very high that you will have to live in the reality that is present during and after the coronavirus has its moment...

And if we all start collectively believing in the pessimistic narratives being passed off as ‘realism’ and ‘rational analysis’ of ‘highly probable’ outcomes of suffering and things getting worse before they get better, then we will create just that.

Negative narratives create negative futures. Positive narratives create positive futures.

Narratives are NOT controlled by the media or so-called ‘experts’.

Narratives may start in these places, but we keep them alive in our individual conversations, social media posts and beliefs.

You can opt-out of the negative realities being spun by your friends and the media by choosing to tell an empowering story about what is happening.

Again, positive narratives don’t mean ignoring problems or imply a lack of ‘realistic thinking’.

Quite the opposite.

It means problems are dealt with and challenging situations are navigated while still deeply acknowledging the truth that we are powerful creators of our reality, and thus, we don’t let present problems or challenges limit the positive possibilities of our future.

Our future is not by any means written in stone—we are co-creating it in real time with our thoughts, beliefs and actions, and we can collectively choose to make the best of whatever challenges are arising and go through this initiation looking for ways to make things better rather than lamenting and wringing our hands at the ‘possible’ doomsday scenarios being played out—while still acting prudently and responsibly with the information fed to us by experts.

5. I Am Committed to Following My Intuition Above All Else and Developing It to the Highest Levels of Mastery

Intuition is continually optimizing for long term success and has an uncanny ability to accurately read future probabilities (for a more detailed explanation of how this operates, see my last post) and so following it consistently and developing it to masterful levels leads to an exponentially greater likelihood of flow, health, harmony, safety, abundance, etc. over time.

Because of my commitment to living primarily from intuition as more core decision making tool for well over a decade, decisions made many years ago—as well as those made more recently—have positioned me beautifully for ease and flow on many levels despite what’s going on in the world.

With all of that being said, was this year challenging for me?

You bet your ass it was.

This was by far the most challenging year I have had in the last decade compared to how things typically unfold for me.

I lived through two months of intense smoke and fires that made it hard to function at even the most basic levels and in the middle of that period my father died unexpectedly, I moved houses at the peak of the virus hysteria, my deepest core wounds and traumas were triggered many times, I was in a minor car accident and I had a handful of moments where I felt stressed out and overwhelmed.

BUT… for me challenge does not equal suffering!

Challenge = massive opportunity for growth and expansion…

And so in each of these experiences instead of blaming external situations for my suffering or discomfort, I looked within to see what part of me was causing them and did the deep work to heal, learn, grow and ultimately come back to center.

And every time my life got exponentially better in the most beautiful and effortless ways. Such is the path of flow...

As the Buddhists say, the world is maya—illusion—and it is our erroneous judgments of its seeming imperfections which create suffering.

I prefer to think of it as a game where the only limits to what is possible are the edges of your imagination.

Either way the outcome is the same:

You chose your reality intentionally and unintentionally with your perception.

Choose wisely.

From www.facebook.com/justin.faerman