Michael Wayne

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Michael Wayne

Michael Wayne, Ph.D., L.Ac., is a practitioner of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, with over 30 years experience in the field, and is an advocate in the fields of transformation and the movement toward an evolved open culture. His expertise covers the personal, political, cultural, social, scientific, and spiritual realms.

Dr. Wayne is the author of four books, the producer/host of the online video interview series “Interviews with the Leading Edge” at www.LeadingEdgeInterviews.com, Director of the Center for Quantum Revolution at www.QuantumRevolution.net, and producer of the upcoming documentary film “From What the F**k to Strawberry Fields.” His most recent book, The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform, examines the Quantum Revolution, or Consciousness Revolution, that is in our midst. This revolution has the potential to bring forth a new society - one based on an evolved open culture - and a more holistic, sustainable and enlightened world.

Michael’s video interview series, “Interviews with the Leading Edge,” features over 35 thought leaders from the fields of science, business, sustainability, spirituality, healing, organics, the arts, integral philosophy, and politics. All of these people are on the leading edge of creating a more evolved open culture. The mission of the series is to inspire viewers to make a difference in whatever way serves them.

He also trains people to be “Visioneers.” A Visioneer is a transformational leader and advocate for an evolved open culture. Connected with that, Michael created the Visioneer Laboratory, a developing ground for the incubation and implementation of innovative ideas that can help evolve the world.

On Michael’s blog, at his website www.drmichaelwayne.com, he writes on a variety of topics, ranging from politics, quantum computers, consciousness, health and healing, spirituality, psychology, the world of the Visioneer, and our capacity to innovate and mobilize our imagination and genius potential.


An evolved open future and culture awaits us: this is what is emerging, blossoming and coming to fruition. It is occurring technologically, culturally, economically, and spiritually - and this movement is finding its way into the mainstream. At the root of this movement is the evolutionary transformation of the individual. An evolved open future and culture will allow us to thrive, flourish, innovate, create, and prosper by taking away the barriers that disconnect us from ourselves and others. There is a future ready and waiting to emerge, a future that our hearts know is real and possible.