Linda Francis [1943-2022]
Main profile
Linda Francis has been practicing the creation of authentic power since she read Gary Zukav’s The Seat of the Soul in 1989. She met Gary in 1993, created a spiritual partnership, and together they wrote The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness, The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice, Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul and Self-Empowerment Journal: A Companion to the Mind of the Soul. Linda is a co-founder of The Seat of the Soul Institute, an organization dedicated to supporting individuals in the alignment of the personality with the soul. Currently she co-creates curricula and co-leads events with Gary Zukav. Linda has been in a healing profession for three decades as a registered nurse, a Doctor of Chiropractic, and now a teacher of authentic power. For more information about Linda Francis and The Seat of the Soul Institute, visit:
When you are aware that you are a student in the Earth school, everything that you encounter is your teacher.