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Joshua Gorman
Main profile
Joshua Gorman is the founder and Co-Coordinator of Generation Waking Up, a global campaign to ignite a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. He studied “Global Youth and Social Change” at George Mason University, serves on the Board of Directors for the Global Youth Action Network / TIG-USA, and supports youth-led projects internationally. In 2008, he co-founded Global Passageways, a network of individuals and organizations working in the fields of youth & community development, contemporary rites of passage, intergenerational collaboration, and cultural renewal. He is a lifelong student of human development and transformational education with a focus on providing young people the experiences, knowledge, and skills they need to thrive in the twenty-first century. As a writer, speaker, organizer, trainer, and educator, Joshua is one of the leading voices championing the paradigm-shifting role of the Millennial generation. He currently lives in the San Francisco area where he his completing a book titled Generation Waking Up: How A New Generation Of Young People Is Coming Of Age And Changing Our World. To learn more, visit