Elizabeth Ashley Young
Main profile
Elizabeth Ashley Young (Ashley), L.C.S.W. is a Social Worker/Community Organizer and Director/Producer with 10+ years of production experience in partnership with a range of national/international organizations focused on the social and emotional development of youth, intergenerational/intercultural and interfaith dialogue, peacebuilding, human rights, and sustainable development. Ashley founded Some Day Fire Productions in 2007 (www.somedayfire.com, www.youtube.com/somedayfire) and has worked on location in countries around the world including Costa Rica, Australia, India, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Bhutan, France, Italy and at the UN Headquarters in New York City. Film clips have received over 1 million hits from viewers in 100+ countries. Project affiliations include the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI GloCha), Society & Diplomatic Review, Center for Earth Ethics, Earth Charter Initiative, United Religions Initiative, Unity Earth, Yale Forum on Religion & Ecology, Forum 21 Institute, Earth Guardians, Jungian Analyst/Author/Activist Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen & Millionth Circle Initiative, Soetendorp Institute for Human Values & The Feather Project, Temple of Understanding, Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council, Global Movement for the Culture of Peace, Tibet House U.S., United Religions Initiative, Students for a Free Tibet, UN September 21st International Day of Peace, and more.
Young is a UN NGO Representative for Information Habitat Where Information Lives (ECOSOC), and member of the UN Sustainable Development Education Caucus and also National Association of Social Workers (N.A.S.W.). She serves on the Advisory Board of IAAI GloCha, based in Klagenfurt, Austria and Source of Synergy Foundation. She lives in New York City. Ashley graduated from Connecticut College in 1994 with honors in Philosophy and Religion, and completed post-graduate training in family forensics. She is employed as a Program Director at Henry Street Settlement where she manages social service programs and supervises social workers, case managers, health enrollers and community health workers.