What Is The Universal Human?
The universal human is a name for the next stage of human evolution. It may eventually become our name for the new species that is now emerging from within so many of us. We have arrived here passing through many other stages well recognized by scientists: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neandertal, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens. There is no reason to suppose that evolution stopped when it achieved our big brain!
In fact, there is evidence that for the past few thousand years, there has been emerging out of Homo sapiens sapiens, a more universal human. This new type of human began to appear about 5000 years ago in Israel, India, Persia, Greece, China, the Middle East. We identify some of these humans as Isaiah, Buddha, Zoroaster, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao-tzu, Confucius, Jesus, Mohammed and others, advanced human beings who gave fuller expression to the Great Creating Process in themselves. In these people the Consciousness Force Itself broke through into human awareness. Indeed, these advanced beings founded the religions and the ethical systems of the world, calling all of us to evolve to a higher state.
But most of us could not experience what the evolved humans did. The teachings of the originators were codified and became dogma for those who could not experience the truth themselves. And often this dogma fostered obedience to outside authorities, rather than inspiring people to recognize the great Source within.
Now, during our current planetary crises, these old codified systems are breaking down and changing. Many people are leaving organized religion behind and experiencing the awakening of Spirit within themselves. They are listening to the voice of their Higher Self, the One Voice calling us all to grow in consciousness and to recreate our world. The Era of the Holy Spirit incarnating has begun.
In this awakening it has become clear to many that it is self-conscious humans feeling separate from each other and from nature, who are threatening our world. At the same time, if we look closely, there is also arising, for the first time, a more universal humanity.
Our crisis is inducing the birth of a more universal human.
We are the crossover generation moving from one phase of evolution to the next! Although barely perceptible, as were the earliest humans in the pre-human world, a young Homo universalis is emerging everywhere, in every culture, faith, and background. The signs of our emergence as universal humans include an unconditional love for the whole of life; a powerful, irresistible passion to unite with Spirit within; and a deep heart-felt impulse to connect with others and cocreate a world equal to our love and our capacities.
As we pass through our crises, as we successfully birth ourselves into a more universal humanity, we will emerge capable of co-evolving with nature and cocreating with Spirit. We will be able to solve our problems. We will be able to cocreate a new world.
During these transition times it is important to stabilize our consciousness as universal humans. We can do this by practicing authentic relationship with others of similar intent and reminding one another of who we are. When we intend together, we build a collective field of resonance that can support our conscious evolution. Our job is far easier when we offer each other the support of staying awake together.
For more on the universal human, see Barbara’s books: Emergence: the Shift from Ego to Essence and her soon-to-be-published The Secret Journal: How to Birth the Universal Human in Yourself.