A Call to Conscious Evolution:

Our Moment of Choice

Economic disparity, geopolitical tensions, climate change, educational inequities -- these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together.

The Call to Conscious Evolution was born following a gathering of global visionaries. It's a movement that fully supports that the future is not what happens to us, but rather what WE create.

Together, we can co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution by:

  • Building a global community and creating a culture of peace.
  • Restoring ecological balance to nourish all life, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Engaging in social and political transformation by calling for a more conscious democracy.
  • Promoting health and healing by acknowledging the profound mind-body-spirit connection.
  • Supporting research and education that optimize human capacities.
  • Encouraging integrity in business and conscious media.

In this great time of uncertainty, join us in elevating consciousness to create a better world. One governed by meaning and purpose. Accept nothing less.

Every voice counts -- YOUR voice counts.

Please click here to READ THE FULL TEXT

Our Moment of Choice book cover

Our Moment of Choice


Our moment of choice is at hand. There has never been a more urgent moment for humankind to come together in synergy and collectively choose to hold the greatest vision of what we can be and do together, to lead with our hearts and co-create new possibilities that will offer us hope for our future.

This uplifting and timely book, with chapters by 43 Evolutionary Leaders, is a call to action, offering evolutionary visions, resources and practical steps to help us navigate this moment of choice and amplify the movement for global transformation, upon which our future depends.


We answered the Call to Conscious Evolution

5:08 pm, Apr 20, 2024 – Natalie Calder, Te Anau, 0, New Zealand beingeducationnz_50379's picture

I am incredibly passionate about the Conscious Education for our youth. I currently create resources and inspiration for other teachers and would love to connect with like minded souls.

3:49 pm, Apr 13, 2024 – Katja Ambruš, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

- higher consciousness education
- propose few societal system upgrades
- individual services to aid harmonization of polarities
- organize self sustaining communities

11:02 am, Apr 12, 2024 – Anke Beate Damasky, Nennigkofen, 0, Switzerland beatedamasky_50334's picture

Gruppen in den einzelnen Ländern und Bezirken bilden, in denen sich die Menschen
gegenseitig darin unterstützen und inspirieren, Möglichkeiten in ihrem Lben zu finden.

4:35 pm, Mar 27, 2024 – Weston McMillan, San Jose, California, United States

breathe, connect, listen, notice, cultivate curiosity, and offer unconditional positive regard.

9:59 am, Mar 26, 2024 – Sue Blythe, GAINESVILLE, Florida, United States sueblythe01_50236's picture

Use the Earth Charter to hasten the next stage in the evolution of life on Earth, our home.

8:47 am, Mar 11, 2024 – Teresa Miers, Bradford-On-Avon, 0, United Kingdom Teresaquirosmiers_50183's picture

Resolution of conflicts through sincere communication

5:09 pm, Mar 2, 2024 – Christophe Ranque, Santa Cruz, 0, Bolivia christophejaranque_50175's picture

1. Becoming aware that altogether we form a giant organism a social body, in which everyone has their unique place and role to play. Acknowledging that the template of a perfect society given to us is the human body.

2. Engaging consciously in The Great Transition from a pyramidal social system based on money and notoriety growth, to a spherical system based on love and consciousness growth.

3. Fostering The Parenting Revolution: learning from children, course correcting lifestyles and education means from their feedbacks. Checking society alignment increase through the increase of people living their soul purpose from early age, thanks to the respect of the principals of natural education, especially the step of children naturalization.

4. Courageously leaving duality, acknowledging that we are all one, that wealth is a collective win, and consequently give back to all of life on this planet, starting with millionaires and billionaires volunteering to solve humanity global challenges.

5. Integrating our civilization in the cosmic order by becoming an adult civilization responsible of its world and its planet, through a positive mindset shift thanks to the virtuous spiral of seeing nature as a teacher --> infusing more nature in families culture --> healing society by inspired inventions and innovations --> increase peace, fulfillment and beauty on planet earth.

My global vision is shared here: https://oneworld.earth/posts/my-vision-of-the-transition-to-a-peaceful-world
